Cranham C of E Primary School

Cranham C of E Primary School
Sowing the seeds of learning...

Children's Leadership

"Pupils have a role to play in making decisions about the way the school is run. Their opinions matter, so they feel empowered and have positive attitudes to school." (Ofsted May 2024)

We believe in equipping children with a range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills in order to make a positive difference to the world around them.

We begin this as early as EYFS, by offering children roles of responsibility, for example, as safety monitors for the play area with their own check list to complete. Within Key Stage 1, children are encouraged to show courage in applying for roles of responsibility across the school. These may range from monitor roles within their class, to responsibilities to help lead teams or Collective Worship, to roles as Peer Mediators solving disputes at break times.  These responsibilities require the children to apply the values of compassion, courage and a pride in their community.

We are proud of the children who take on these roles and recognise how they can take these skills into their future lives.

As they move up through the school, it is important for our children to appreciate their role as part of a larger community, to take responsibility and to foster an understanding of their importance, impact and influence in the world. We encourage our children to be courageous advocates - to feel compassion for the injustices of the world around them and to have the courage to make a difference to their local, national and global community.

School Council:

School Council meet weekly and play a vital role in providing a pupil voice within the decision-making for our school.

Each member of the team has a specific role and are lead by a Chairperson and a Vice Chair. Responsibilities include: Charity Ambassador, Wellbeing Ambassador, Environment Ambassador, Sports Ambassador and Library Ambassador.

Our Sports and Library Ambassadors lead their own smaller teams within the school. 

A major role for School Council is to lead courageous advocacy; they are responsible for organising our various fundraising events throughout the year.

Other Leadership Roles:

Collective Worship Team

  • Year 6
  • Our collective worship leaders take responsibility for leading our celebration worship each week
  • They also plan and lead a values collective worship once a term which focuses on our current value: courage, compassion or community
  • They record current affairs collective worship in our floor book
  • They help to lead or school church services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter
  • They support our community Sunday church services such as Christingle and Mothers' Day by preparing resources


School Librarians

  • Key Stage 2
  • The school librarian role is vital in maintaining a well organised and updated selection of quality texts


Peer Mediators

  • Key Stage 2
  • Our mediators are vigilant at breaktimes and lunchtimes; they identify when a potential dispute is beginning, and use their training to intervene before it becomes a conflict by giving supportive advice and strategies. They remind our pupils to show compassion at all times by 'putting themselves in the other person's shoes'.

"Pupils behave well and feel safe. Bullying is not tolerated. Trained peer mediators help others to resolve inevitable differences. As a result, the school is harmonious." (Ofsted May 2024)

"Playtimes are positive, and pupils look after each other. Peer mediators help younger children solve disagreements. As a result, everyone is treated with dignity and respect." (SIAMS June 2023)


Lunchtime Monitors:

  • Year 6
  • Encourage younger children to eat their lunches
  • Model good behaviour and manners in the dinner hall
  • Initiate conversations to help younger children with friendships


Reception Buddies!

  • Year 6
  • Our new Reception children are paired up with a Y6 buddy who takes responsibility for them throughout their first year with us
  • They are someone to turn to when in need, they are a role model and they help to make our new children feel at home