RE Intent: How we plan for this subject...
We follow the Gloucestershire Locally Agreed syllabus, supported by 'Understanding Christianity', and have organised our units to follow a 2-year rolling plan within Key Stage 1 (Beech Class), Lower Key Stage 2 (Hazel Class) and Upper Key Stage 2 (Oak Class). Our units follow a cyclical nature so that children make connections with, and build on, their previous RE learning.
RE in the Early Years Foundation Stage
RE sits firmly within the areas of personal, social and emotional development and understanding the world. This framework enables children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others, and to learn how to form mutually respectful relationships. They will begin to understand and value the differences of individuals and groups within their own immediate community. Children will have the opportunity to develop their emerging moral and cultural awareness. The 'Gloucestershire agreed syllabus for RE' sets out experiences, opportunities and appropriate topics for children in the Foundation Stage, and at Cranham, as a Church of England school, we enhance this through the use of 'Understanding Christianity'. Planned teaching experiences support children’s learning and development needs, as identified through holistic assessment. Good Early Years teaching stems from children’s own experiences and so our staff aim to find ways to draw on the wealth of religious or spiritual experiences that some of our families bring with them.
Curriculum Map for Years 1 & 2:
Curriculum Map for Years 3 & 4:
Curriculum Maps for Years 5 & 6:
Curriculum Unit Outcomes
re curriculum unit outcomes.docx
RE Policy