Cranham C of E Primary School

Cranham C of E Primary School
Sowing the seeds of learning...

Our Governors and their roles


"The school is supported by knowledgeable governors who continue to drive further improvements to the quality of education. They support leaders to ensure staff are well trained and equipped to deliver the curriculum as intended." (Ofsted May 2024)

"Governance is committed and very supportive. There is a systematic approach to monitoring and evaluation for encouraging and deepening Christian distinctiveness and the school’s vision....Cranham is like a family where all staff and governors work together for a common goal. They make sure each pupil is known, loved and flourishes." (SIAMS Report 2023)

Our Governors (ID 1208)

  • Nicki Clapton
    Foundation Governor / Chair of Governors
  • Angela Wilson
    Local Authority Governor / Vice Chair of Governors
  • Sarah Scott
    Headteacher, Ex-officio Governor
  • Rev Sarah Haslam
    Ex-officio Governor
  • Reverend Helen Sammon
    Ex-officio Foundation Governor
  • Linda de Cossart
    Foundation Governor / Chair of Ethos Committee
  • Sylvia Ardron
    Foundation Governor
  • Mike Campbell
    Foundation Governor
  • Victoria Barnard
    Foundation Governor
  • Nikki Hale
    Parent Governor
  • Ben Nichols
    Parent Governor
  • Laura Hodges
    Staff Governor
  • Laura Cooke
    Clerk to the Governors

Our Governors are always willing to hear from anyone with a comment, an issue or a concern, though formal complaints should follow the Complaints Procedure. To contact the Chair, please e-mail

 Governance structure

cranham governors 2023 2024.pdf


governor advert.pdf


(Financial expertise desired)

The Governing Body of Cranham Church of England Primary School, Gloucester has a vacancy for a Foundation Governor. This is an important and rewarding voluntary role, offering the opportunity to make a positive difference and to be part of the team working to promote the school’s success.

 The role:

The governing body work as a team in close partnership with the headteacher and staff. The core responsibilities of the governing body are:

· Ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction

· Hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff

· Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

 In addition to this, Foundation Governors have a special responsibility to:

· Support the Christian ethos of the school;

· Ensure that the Christian character and foundation of the school is preserved and developed; and

· Ensure that religious worship reflects the tradition of the Church of England.

 Your skills:

Whatever your professional background, your skills could transform our school. Our governors work together as a team to ensure a good standard of education is being achieved, and being a governor is an opportunity to develop the skills you have and to improve the futures of children today. You do not need to be a parent or work in the education sector, but we would value having someone join the team with financial experience and/or understanding of school finances, in particular, knowledge of cost control and budgeting. Prior experience as a governor is not necessary as a full induction and regular training is provided and is continually necessary as things change in education frequently.

 The term of office is four years from the date of appointment, though most governors stay in appointment for longer terms. Please note that, for the protection of children, all governor appointments are subject to a clear Enhanced DBS check.

If you have some skills that you think could help our Governing Body and have the time to commit to our school, please contact Nicki Clapton, Chair of Governors, by email to discuss the opportunity.

 February 2024

Governor attendance





Remit of the Governing Body

Governors are responsible for a number of areas including attainment, finance, policies and procedures. Their role involves working closely with the Head Teacher, as critical friend providing challenge and support to ensure that every child can grow academically, socially, morally, spiritually, culturally and emotionally and create relationships underpinned by our Christian values. Together we aim to ensure all those who are touched by our school share our journey – love, live, laugh, learn.

What are the Governing Body’s core responsibilities?

Establishing the strategic direction, by

  • Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school

  • Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets

Meeting statutory duties Ensuring accountability, by:

  • Monitoring progress towards targets

  • Performance managing the headteacher

  • Engaging with stakeholders

Contributing to school self-evaluation Ensuring financial probity, by:

  • Setting the budget

  • Monitoring spending against the budget

  • Ensuring value for money is obtained

  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed