Cranham C of E Primary School

Cranham C of E Primary School
Sowing the seeds of learning...

Inspection Reports

Ofsted reports

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Below you can find copies of our most recent Ofsted reports.

Our last inspection was in June 2024 and the school continued to be rated 'Good'. This recent report gives you a real flavour of our school:

What is it like to attend this school? (Ofsted June 2024)

The school’s values of courage, compassion and community shine through all areas of school life. Pupils enjoy coming to school because they feel part of a family. They enjoy their learning. The school has carefully planned an ambitious curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils, including in mixed-aged classes. Pupils enjoy their learning and the vast majority achieve well. Those who need extra support receive this. The school is highly inclusive.

Pupils behave well and feel safe. Bullying is not tolerated. Relationships between staff and pupils are exceptionally strong. Pupils, including the children in the early years, benefit from clear routines. They are kind and respectful to one another. Trained peer mediators help others to resolve inevitable differences. As a result, the school is harmonious.

Pupils are resilient and highly reflective. They understand how to learn from their mistakes and reflect on local, national and international issues. While this is a small village school, pupils learn about other cultures and the challenges people face in the wider world. They have many opportunities to become active citizens, raising money for charity and contributing to their local community and beyond. Ofsted June 2024 (click below to read on...)

Cranham School Ofsted report May 2024

SIAMS Reports

SIAMS is the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools; SIAMS inspections are carried out by The Church of England and focus on the impact of a Church school's Christian vision on pupils and adults. This involves looking at the school’s Christian vision, the provision the school makes because of this vision and how effective this provision is in enabling all pupils to flourish. Below you can find a copy of our most recent SIAMS report.

Our last inspection was in June 2023 and the school was rated 'Good'. The report is a good insight into just how special our school is:

Cranham Primary is a very small rural school with a large heart. A nurturing school where the Christian vision and values of courage, compassion and community disseminate in all they do. School leaders are relentless in supporting the needs of pupils of all abilities and backgrounds. As a result, they progress well and reach their full potential at the primary stage of education. Pupils develop curiosity, a love of learning and appreciate God’s wonderful world through exploration and use of local resources and places. Pupils use the local church to learn about places of worship in Christianity. Meeting at church for services and at times of remembrance draws the community together. The Forest School area, school field and scout facilities enable pupils to work and play together and learn how to look after the environment.

Cranham is like a family where all staff and governors work together for a common goal. They make sure each pupil is known, loved and flourishes. The vision is fully embedded in all areas of the curriculum, shown in policies, plans and lessons and is clearly articulated by all. The headteacher and governors robustly monitor all areas of school life with their vision at the centre of all evaluation. (SIAMs June 2023 click below to read on...)

Cranham SIAMs report 2023