Cranham C of E Primary School

Cranham C of E Primary School
Sowing the seeds of learning...

Behaviour Expectations

“The behaviour of the pupils is of the highest standard and the strong, supportive relationships rooted in Christian values ensure that all pupils strive to achieve their best.” (SIAMS June 2023)

"Pupils behave well and feel safe. Bullying is not tolerated. Trained peer mediators help others to resolve inevitable differences. As a result, the school is harmonious... The school is calm and orderly. Pupils know and understand the rules.... Pupils, including the children in the early years, benefit from clear routines. They are kind and respectful to one another." (Ofsted May 2024)

The Behaviour Policy in Cranham Church of England Primary School is informed by Christian Values which underpin every aspect of the school community’s life and work, including the curriculum. These values are rooted in the teaching of Jesus Christ. Central to a behaviour policy in a church school are Jesus’ words recorded in the seventh chapter of the Gospel of Matthew:

“So, in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you,

for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

This principle to treat others as you would want to be treated is a core part of all main world religions, and is widely known as ‘The Golden Rule’.

We link our high expectations for behaviour to the parable of The Sower, which underpins our vision. Each classroom displays a ‘Ready to Grow’ poster with clear guidance on what kind of behaviour is unacceptable and what kind of behaviour is expected. Children who act as role models with their behaviour are celebrated by having their names added to the ‘flourishing’ section of this poster. These are likely to be the children who are celebrated during Friday’s collective worship.

Adult Responses to Positive Behaviour:

Praise and positive comments will be given readily. Class and supply teachers, lunchtime supervisors and support teachers will be encouraged to comment on positive behaviour using the ‘values language’ in order that children understand what the value, e.g. compassion, looks like in practice.

Value Awards: Every Friday, during our Celebration collective worship, values certificates are awarded in recognition of children living out our school values through their behaviour and effort within school. The names of our values award winners are shared with parents in our weekly newsletter.

Values pebbles: Our hand-made owl pebbles are awarded to children going above and beyond in modelling a particular school value: courage, compassion or community. These children can be nominated by any member of staff, parents and or other children. Children who receive values awards are celebrated in celebration worship and they take home a Values pebble. The names of our pebble winners are also shared in our weekly newsletter.

Dojo points: these are awarded for behaviour as well as effort and successes across the curriculum. Children are celebrated during collective worship for reaching specified milestones each term (25, 50, 75 and 100). All children belong to one of 4 school families: Badgers, Foxes; Hedgehogs or Squirrels. The individual points are added together to produce a family group total. The winning family is celebrated once a week in a celebration Collective Worship led by our Pupil Worship Team. The children also work towards termly whole school rewards for achieving a target number of Dojo points.

Ask, Tell, Send, Mend:

"When pupils struggle to meet the school’s high expectations, they know that the ‘ask, tell, send, mend’ process will support them to overcome difficulties." (Ofsted May 2024)

When, for whatever reason, children do not follow our high behaviour expectations, we employ the same approach across the school.

o Ask: Discreetly ask a child to behave, reminding him/her of appropriate behaviour expectations.

o Tell: Tell the child to behave appropriately e.g. I’ve asked you to stop ding that, now I’m telling you to stop doing that.

o Send: If the child continues to misbehave, if appropriate he/she is sent to another area of the classroom for a ‘Time Out’ session. For our very youngest children in EYFS, the 'Send' part might involve being sent to try another activity or to play elsewhere.

o When the teacher has an opportunity he/she will speak to the child calmly about his/her behaviour. If inappropriate behaviour continues, the child will be sent to the Headteacher or a senior member of staff if the Headteacher is not available).

o Mend: This part is about the adult and the child agreeing together how the child could make amends for any harm caused by their behaviour (e.g tidying up, an apology or completing learning tasks in their own time).

Adjustments to the Behaviour Policy:

At Cranham school, we recognise that some children will need additional support to improve their behaviour and conduct, due to the conditions or additional needs that they have. We remain aspirational for these children, believing that this is the best way to ensure that they are as prepared as possible for their future. However, we make reasonable adjustments to our approach in the same way that we do with the curriculum. These adjustments will be agreed with the SENCo or the head teacher and outlined in the child’s ‘My Plan’. Steps will be taken to ensure that these adjustments do not affect the positive school experience of any other children.

Peer Mediators:

Our peer mediators are fully trained in de-escalation and resolution. They are attentive at breaktimes and lunchtimes; they identify when a potential dispute is beginning, and use their training to intervene before it becomes a conflict by giving supportive advice and strategies. They remind our pupils to show compassion at all times by 'putting themselves in the other person's shoes'.

For further information, please read our Behaviour Policy in full.

"There is an inclusive, nurturing ethos which is testament to strong Christian leadership at all levels. Parents can identify how the school’s Christian values impact on their children’s behaviour and attitudes and they feel welcome and involved in the life of the school. They are confident in the school and the way in which, through the positive modelling of Christian values, it gives their children an excellent start in their educational and spiritual journey... Their behaviour code and ‘conditions for learning’ chart also draw upon the vision theme of sowing and growing. Pupils say their vision helps them to learn and play well... The vision is clearly reflected in pupils’ attitudes and behaviour. Through discussion and reflection, pupils are challenged to be resilient and make positive choices. The importance of forgiveness is understood drawing upon Jesus’ examples, such as Zacchaeus making a new start. Playtimes are therefore positive, and pupils look after each other. Peer mediators help younger children solve disagreements. As a result, everyone is treated with dignity and respect. " (SIAMS June 2023)